So you've joined the BBT Fitness Coaching Program and are excited about your new journey.
We will tell you exactly how you can get the most out of your membership.
Schedule Your Training Session on Sunday (AND COME!)
Scheduling your training sessions is a key component to seeing success at BBT Fitness! At BBT Fitness you have numerous options for training sessions and times. However, it is important that you plan to come to the gym. Whether you consistently come in at 5 PM Monday through Thursday or mix and match your sessions according to your busy schedule, just remember the most important thing is to make time for training!
BBT Pro Tip: Try to make your gym schedule for the week on Sunday before 8 PM
Do Your BBT Homework (And Show Us!)
There are not many training facilities on the east coast where you not only get amazing coaches who work with you consistently in your training session but also give homework to ensure you reach your fitness goals! BBT Homework is designed to take your results to the next level! However, you have to actually do your homework!
BBT Pro Tip: You can complete your BBT Homework either the night of or the following morning. Just get it done!
Take Your Nutrition Seriously
So you joined BBT Fitness, and now you're well on your way to your goal right... Not quite! Training at BBT Fitness is only PART of your fitness journey ( 30% to be exact!). Eating healthy and consciously is a large component of your success at BBT Fitness. Make sure you take your nutrition seriously and plan accordingly! Remember, if you need nutrition help, ask us about our advanced nutrition program!
BBT Pro Tip: Schedule a BBT Nutrition Seminar or an individual nutrition success session
Get to Know Your Gym Family
Your BBT Family is your key to achieving consistent success in your fitness life. Not only are they your teammates inside the gym during the tough workouts, but your BBT family can also be instrumental in helping you stay on your fitness path when life gets hectic! Remember, you're not in this by yourself, your BBT family has your back!
BBT Pro Tip: Try to attend one of our BBT Family events each month and meet all of our other family members.
Come in with a Positive Attitude
There are not many things in your life you can control. Your attitude is not one of the things. Coming to BBT Fitness with a Positive attitude is key to your success! Remember, what you put out is what you get back. Think positive and you get positive, think negative, you get negative!
BBT Pro Tip: Having a bad day? Let the coach on the floor know so that we can adjust your training! Remember, our goal is to give you the best training experience!
Communicate with Us!
Are you absolutely loving BBT Fitness? Let us know! Did you get sick and have to take a week off? Send us a message, so we can make sure you’re ok! At BBT Fitness, we know that a relationship only works if we communicate effectively
BBT Pro Tip: Remember, the most effective way to communicate with us is through email! We will always back to you on the next business day!
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email us !
P.S. Don’t forget to tell two friends about BBT Fitness and our amazing programs, remember, our goal is to get the entire city of Charlotte Fit!
