We understand that at some point or another, there may come a time when you need to leave BBT Fitness. It is our aim to make it a smooth process for you! Below you can find our guidelines and answers to questions regarding program cancellation.
Early Cancellation:
Official Communication Only- Request must be submitted with a 30-Days notice (Please send all Written Communication to bbtteam@bbtfit.com)
30-Day Notice- All terminations require a 30-day notice before an account can be terminated. The client will be responsible for any payments that fall within that 30-day period.
Early Termination Fees: Good news! You will only be required to pay a small breaking fee in lieu of the whole term of your agreement!
CRM- It is best that you come in and meet with us before you leave. We will be able to receive any feedback you may have and develop other solutions to ensure that you accomplish your fitness goals.
All BBT Training Agreements auto-renew at a month-to-month rate every 30-days. You are grandfathered into your original rate and will remain at the same price that you started at with no agreement.
30-Day Notice- All Non-Renewals require a 30-day notice before an account can be terminated. The client will be responsible for any payments that fall within that 30-day period.
Moving Cancellation:
60-day Notice for Moving cancellation
You are permanently moving or have moved 30 Air Miles or more from BBT Fitness Location (5505 David Cox Road, Charlotte NC 28269).
Next: Please Supply one of the following pieces of verification documents:
1. Can supply a new lease (signed by BBT Member and their lessor) must be official documentation.
2. Can supply official closing papers on the purchase of a new home
3. Can supply a new utility bill in your name
4. Official documentation of current lease break ( This typically applies for people moving back home)
5. Military Paperwork
6. Offer Letter for new location stating relocation of 30-Air miles or more.
Medical Cancellation:
60-day Notice
Please provide Supporting documents that can be quantifiably verified by BBT Fitness Operations Team
Written notice from medical professionals that can be verified. (Email or other supporting documents.)
Please provide Supporting documents that can be quantifiably verified by BBT Fitness Operations Team.
Written notice from medical professionals that can be verified. (Email or other supporting documents.)
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I notify someone if I want to cancel?
- Please Email bbtteam@bbtfit.com
BBT Fitness Accepts 3 Methods of communication
Completing the BBT Jotform on our member management page.
Email Notice to the official BBTteam@bbtfit.com email. Your training agreement is found in your email with your original receipt or can be provided upon request.
In-person cancellation with email documentation.
Please Note, We do not accept any other forms of cancellation. We, under no circumstances, take text messages or DMs as notifications.
Coaches DO NOT have any control over terminations. All Member terminations must be completed with BBT Office Staff.
What is the BBT Cancellation Process?
In order to terminate, you must first notify us ( 30-day Notice) and complete a termination form. Once that has been submitted you must complete a CRM in person or via ZOOM. If from there you decide to continue with cancellation you will receive information regarding any financial obligations required to officially close out your account. Once this has been completed you will receive a cancellation confirmation email.
What is a Client Re-alignment Meeting?
A Client Re-alignment Meeting or CRM short stands for Client Realignment Meetin
g. The purpose of a client re-alignment meeting is to discuss any concerns that you may have and determine what solution is best for you. Our #1 goal during the CRM is to address your concerns and realign your goals inside your training program. This is also an excellent time to hear any feedback you have about your BBT experience in order to continue to improve your training experience!
What do I do if I have to Move?
BBT Policy allows for the cancellation of your contract if you are moving more than 30 miles outside of the gym location. You will be required to provide proof of your move, Through the moving verification process. BBT will notify you if you qualify for moving cancellation.
What if I am having financial troubles?
Our goal is to keep you on track to meet your fitness goals. We have a history of successfully working with our client's financial situations and determining the best ways to fit your needs. Share with us what is going on and we will do our very best to help!
What do I do if my contract is ending and I do not want to renew?
About 85% of our clientele stay beyond their initial commitment. Your agreement is just the beginning of your fitness journey. We would love for you to stay but if you decide to part ways please send us an email at bbtteam@bbttfit.com, Subject "Non-Renewal Request"
We will miss you in the program, but will continue to check in to see how your fitness journey is going! If you ever want to return to your BBT Fitness Training home don't hesitate to reach out!