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Aesthetics Welcome


First and foremost, excellent job checking and logging your assignments . We are well on your way to creating a sustainable lifestyle habit. For you to be successful at BBT Fitness, it is extremely important for you to understanding your training program and all that we have to offer. Our most successful members are those who maximize your training experience with BBT Fitness we have two types of training, team or semi-private.

Understanding Your Training Program

Bootcamp vs Team Training

At BBT Fitness, we have three types of training programs, class style (BBT Bootcamp) team training (BBT Fitcamp) ,semi-private. Each are highly effective depending on your goals and training style.

BBT Fitcamp

Team training is personal training in a group setting. We design different levels for every exercise plus we offer accommodations to individuals experiencing any sort of "bad" pain. The levels allow newbies and old pros to train at the same time and each experience an appropriately challenging workout.

Unlike group fitness classes, when you train inside BBT Fitcamp, a BBT Coach is not standing in front demonstrating what to do and expecting you to mirror his or her movements. Instead, the coach rotates the floor and corrects movements and motivates you. Team training happens at set times throughout the week and our memberships offer flexibility to allow you to register for the training sessions that works for you.

In Team Training we have two different days, strength and metabolic.

  • SlimThick Program

  • FitThick Program

  • Strength Development Program

  • Strength Days are focused on big total body movements. Think squats, pushes, pulls, and core working lots of muscle in return burning lots of calories. The workouts focus more on muscular strength and less on the cardiovascular system. We challenge our clients to lift heavy with perfect form. We never sacrifice form for more weight.

  • Metabolic days focus on getting the heart rate up for a period of time followed by a period of recovery. This is also called interval training or high intensity interval training (HIIT) in the popular press. We typically utilize different implements on these days, things like ropes, bodyweight exercises, and medicine balls.

Our team training schedule alternates between strength and metabolic days throughout the week allowing individuals to train back to back days.

BBT Bootcamp is class style training designed to offer fun, motivating training while still helping your reach your fitness goals!

Remember, if you ever need any help or assistance, please do not hesitate to ask a BBT Coach or email us at

BBT Bootcamp

Is class style training designed to offer fun, motivating training while still helping your reach your fitness goals!

Remember, if you ever need any help or assistance, please do not hesitate to ask a BBT Coach or email us at

Dedicated to your success,

Your Team @ BBT Fitness

How to Take advantage of BBT Fitness

  1. Show Up Consistently

  2. Do you homework,

  3. Ask your Coaches for help

  4. Take Your Nutrition Seriously

Key take aways


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