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Programming Prep July: We Outside!!!

By: Nazirah M. Jones, MS., CPT-NASM

For the next four weeks, our Power Team will emphasize the following:

Monday: Deadstop Barbell Squats

Tuesday: Incline Bench Press

Wednesday: B-Stance Trap Bar Deadlift

Thursday: Landmine Push Press

Friday: Wildcard

Just what you all have been waiting for... SUMMER! šŸŽ‰šŸŒ»ā˜€ļø We have been prepping for months for this time of the year. But guess what? Yup, the work doesn't stop. šŸ™…šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø How else do you expect to look fine at all those day parties you are about to hit up? Exactly! Even if you aren't where you want to be right now, don't worry because, in the month of July, it is my duty to make sure you get that WORK šŸ˜ˆ

So check out what we have cookin' in the following month:

Start Date: Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Daily Breakdown

Monday: Power, Power & More Power: Deadstop Barbell Squats

The deadstop back squat is a variation of the traditional back squat exercise that focuses on starting each repetition from a dead stop at the bottom of the squat position. In a typical back squat, you would perform continuous repetitions by descending into the squat position and then driving back up to the starting position without fully pausing at the bottom. However, in the deadstop back squat, you deliberately pause and come to a complete stop at the bottom before ascending back up.

The deadstop back squat is often used as a strength-building exercise and can be beneficial for developing explosive power, improving technique, and increasing muscle hypertrophy. It places additional emphasis on the eccentric (lowering) and concentric (raising) phases of the squat, making it an effective variation for training levels.

Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Increased strength and muscle development: The deadstop back squat places a significant demand on the muscles of the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. By starting each repetition from a dead stop, you eliminate any momentum and force your muscles to generate power from a static position. This increased time under tension and the need to overcome inertia can lead to improved strength gains and muscle hypertrophy.

  2. Enhanced explosiveness: The pause at the bottom of the squat removes the stretch reflex, which is the natural elastic recoil of your muscles and tendons. By eliminating this reflex, the deadstop back squat forces your muscles to generate explosive power without the aid of stored energy.

  3. Improved technique and control: The deadstop back squat encourages proper form and technique. By coming to a complete stop at the bottom of each repetition, you have an opportunity to ensure your body is in the correct position, with proper alignment of the knees, hips, and spine. This increased control and awareness can help address any weaknesses or imbalances and promote overall better squat mechanics.

  4. Overcoming sticking points: The deadstop back squat can be especially useful for addressing sticking points in your squatting performance. Sticking points are the areas in the squat where you tend to struggle the most, usually due to weaknesses in specific muscle groups or poor movement patterns. By pausing at the bottom, you can focus on these weak points, work on overcoming them, and build strength in the specific ranges of motion where you struggle.

Tuesday: Pure Strength and Power: Incline Bench Press

Now ladies I expect to see you on this day! I know some of you loveeeee skip upper body days but I promise it is not that bad!! The incline bench refers to a specific type of weightlifting bench that is designed with an adjustable angle, typically set at an incline between 15 to 45 degrees. This adjustable feature allows for variations in the angle of the bench to target different muscle groups and provide a unique challenge during exercises.

Here are some key aspects and benefits of the incline bench:

  1. Targeted Upper Body Muscles: The incline bench primarily targets the muscles of the upper body, specifically the chest, shoulders, and triceps. By adjusting the angle of the bench to an incline, you shift the emphasis from the lower portion of the chest (as targeted in flat bench exercises) to the upper portion of the chest and the front delts (shoulders). This variation helps in developing well-rounded upper body strength and aesthetics.

  2. Muscle Activation and Variation: The incline bench provides a different stimulus compared to the flat bench press. It places greater emphasis on the clavicular head of the pectoralis major (upper chest muscles) and anterior deltoids (front shoulder muscles). This variation can help in developing a fuller, more defined chest and well-rounded shoulder development.

  3. Strength and Size Gains: By incorporating the incline bench press into your training routine, you can stimulate new muscle fibers and increase the overall strength and size of your upper body. The incline bench press allows you to lift relatively heavy weights, similar to the flat bench press, which can lead to strength gains over time.

  4. Balanced Chest Development: Many individuals focus primarily on flat bench pressing, which can lead to an imbalance in chest development, with more emphasis on the lower chest. Incorporating the incline bench press can help in achieving a balanced and aesthetically pleasing chest, as it targets the upper chest muscles that often lag behind in terms of development.

Wednesday: Explosiveness + Power = B Stance Trap Bar Deadlift

Okay maybe we did a little too much with this day but cmon, would it be BBT if we didn't?! The B Stance Trap Bar Deadlift is a variation of the conventional deadlift exercise that involves utilizing a "B stance" foot position while using a trap bar. This exercise places emphasis on one leg at a time while maintaining stability and balance.

The B Stance Trap Bar Deadlift offers several benefits, including:

  1. Improved Unilateral Strength: By using a B stance, the B Stance Trap Bar Deadlift places greater emphasis on one leg at a time. This helps to address any muscular imbalances or asymmetries between your legs. By strengthening each leg individually, you can improve overall lower body strength and reduce the risk of injury.

  2. Enhanced Stability and Balance: The B stance requires greater stability and balance compared to traditional deadlifts. This exercise challenges the stabilizer muscles in your hips, core, and ankles to maintain proper alignment and balance throughout the movement. By improving stability and balance, you can enhance your overall athleticism and performance in various sports and activities.

  3. Core Engagement: The B Stance Trap Bar Deadlift engages the core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back, to stabilize your body throughout the movement. Maintaining a neutral spine and bracing your core helps protect your spine and improve overall core strength and stability.

  4. Variation and Muscle Stimulation: Adding the B Stance Trap Bar Deadlift to your workout routine provides variety and helps stimulate different muscle fibers and movement patterns compared to traditional deadlifts. By incorporating different variations into your training, you can break plateaus, challenge your muscles in new ways, and promote continued progress and growth.

Thursday: Upper Body Power: Landmine Split Stance Push Press

The Landmine Split Stance Push Press is an exercise that combines elements of a split stance and an upper-body

pushing movement using a landmine apparatus. It involves a coordinated effort between the upper body, lower body, and core muscles.

Here's a breakdown of the Landmine Split Stance Push Press:

  1. Full-Body Strength and Power: This exercise targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, is engaged in the split stance and driving movement. The upper body, particularly the shoulders, triceps, and core, is activated during the pressing motion. The coordination between the upper and lower body results in improved overall strength and power development.

  2. Stability and Balance: The split stance position challenges your stability and balance as you perform the pressing motion. It requires the muscles of the core and lower body to work synergistically to maintain proper alignment and control. Over time, this can enhance stability and balance in functional movements and sports performance.

  3. Shoulder and Core Activation: The Landmine Split Stance Push Press targets the muscles of the shoulders, including the deltoids, as well as the triceps. It also engages the core muscles, including the abdominals and obliques, to stabilize the body during the movement. This exercise helps develop upper body strength and core stability.

  4. Single-Leg Strength and Coordination: The split stance position allows for unilateral strength development and addresses any imbalances between the legs. al movements.

Fridays: Turn Up with BBT Team Lifts

As always all members have access to BBT Team Lifts. This is your chance to step out of that comfort zone a little more and train with your fellow members. And of course, I am not going to disclose what I have up my sleeves for these days šŸ˜ˆ you are just going to have to come and find out for yourself. What I can tell you is that you are going to have a great time while being introduced to some new movements.

Saturday/Sunday: Active Recovery

Again I know you are trying to be outside all summer but remember the importance of Active Recovery. You cannot be outside if you out here hurting and limping around. So make sure you take some time to stretch and keep the body moving before hitting the clubs!

Here are some things you can do:

  • Take a morning stroll around your neighborhood

  • Take a spin class

  • Yoga (Did you know thereā€™s a thing called hot yoga!)

  • Bike ride

  • Stretch

  • Swimming

  • Hiking with some friends


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