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BBT Monthly Coaching Call: The Inside Scoop on all things BBT

By: Nazirah M. Jones, M.S., CPT-NASM

What Exactly is a Monthly Coaching Call?

BBT Fitness Coaching Calls are the ultimate powwow for gym members and staff! It's where everyone comes together to chat about all things BBT. From new policies to updates on programs and upcoming events, these calls are like the Bat Signal for gym news.

But it's not just a one-way conversation - members can ask questions and share their concerns too! It's like having a direct line to the gym's inner workings. Plus, with open and honest communication, the gym can ensure they're meeting member needs and providing top-notch service.

Some topics we will discuss:

  • Meet the BBT Member of the Month

  • Upcoming Events at BBT

  • Get the Monthly challenge

  • Program Walkthrough

Why is this Call Important?

Think of it as your chance to be a part of the ultimate brainstorming session! Got a burning question about your fitness journey? Bring it on, we're here to help! Want to share some feedback on how we can make your gym experience even better? We're all ears and ready to take notes!

But that's not all. During these calls, your coach will share some insider tips on how you can hit your fitness goals for the month and how BBT is going to support you every step of the way. It's like having your very own personal cheerleading squad!

When & Where is this Call?

At BBT Fitness, we're all about making sure our members have the support and guidance they need to crush their fitness goals. That's why we will conduct these calls on a monthly basis. You can expect this call to happen the first week of the new month.

Picture it: it's the first week of the month, and you're settling in with your favorite drink and your trusty laptop. That's because our Coaching Calls will be held via Zoom, making it easy-peasy to log on and connect with your coach and fellow members. Plus these calls will only be 30 minutes so that way you can still enjoy the rest of your day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I miss the Coaching Call?

A: No worries since this call is held via Zoom, we will make sure that the calls are recorded and sent to all BBT members. This way you are still caught up on all the fun.

Q: How will I receive access to join the coaching call?

A: The day before and the day of we will send out the Zoom link for members to join the coaching call. And don't worry we will constantly be reminding you about it as well.


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